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What kind of soil do grape vines like?

Published August 25, 2020
What kind of soil do grape vines like?

With knowledge and understanding in geology, along with studies on soil and Edaphology, the study of soil influences is indispensable for grape harvesting, wine and quality wine production. Choosing soil for wine is tricky, because the type of soil requires both vine and root work (a healthy underground part used for grafting and avoiding damage). Soil affects the quality of the wine. It also affects the characteristics of wine grapes through the supply of minerals and nutrients to grapevines. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the type of soil and its characteristics, which leads to what we feel in a wine glass. A good type of soil can be determined according to the surface, depth, color, organic composition, pH, drainage, etc.

Sandy Soil

The sandy soil is made of large particles, which are good drains and heat treatment. Because of the moderate sewer sand, which works well in wet weather, but for drought-stricken regions, sandy soil can be a problem. Wines grown in warm, soft climate areas are less colored, lighter acidity and tannins, while in cold areas, sandy soil maintains heat and drains well in the production of highly aromatic wines. The good thing is that this kind of soil retains more heat and less moisture, thus removing the possibility of disease. But in some cases, it can cause dehydration of vines. Plus, the point of sandy soil is that it is resistant to the nasty phylloxera from the attack.

  • Regions with sandy soil: Bordeaux and graves
  • Favorite grapes: Sinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon

Clay Clay

The soil is made up of tiny particles that tend to store water for a long period of time. In extreme weather, the trend of the soil will continue to increase cold, which is very beneficial to the grapes. In warm weather, the soil remains moist. These soils are said to produce the most intense and bold red and red wine production in the world.

  • Soil region: Barossa Valley, Pomerol        
  • Grapes like it: Sangioves

Subway access

Most experts recommend the soil that looks to be the best soil for growing grapes. Mixing the remnants of sand, sediment, and clay when mixed with other soils in the right amount is the ideal soil type for growing grapes. This is because the soil in the drain soil drains well but it has a moderate amount of water and nutrients and is generally within the desired pH range.

  • Regions with plains: Sonoma Valley, Napa Valley
  • Grapes like it: Pine Noir wine

Volcanic soil

As the name suggests, volcanic soil effect from long-lasting volcanic eruptions. This soil is fine grainy, still maintaining and reflecting heat, drains well and holds water. Volcanic soil is rich in specific minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Not all volcanic soil is suitable for growing grapes, but when certain conditions are followed, then the magic comes to the glass. It is also thought to tell you the rust with wine.

  • Regions with volcanic soil: Sicily, Santorini
  • Grapes like it: Assirtico, Neelo Mascarlis


Limestone is famous for producing wines of absolute quality, found in many famous regions. It is made up of decomposing bodies of fish and other organic materials, which once lived on the ancient sea floor. Limestone is well drained in wet weather, but retains water in dry weather, with high pH value, as it can reflect sunlight to promote photosynthesis. Wines made in limestone are long-lasting and high acid wines.

  • Regions with limestone soil: burgundy, champagne
  • Favorites: Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay

Sedimentary soil

The sludge has a better texture than sand and is moderately porous. It has good water retention properties which is due to small particles of soil, but this can also result in drainage, which can lead to vineyard diseases. Smooth and round wine with less acidity. Although some sediments can be too abundant for quality wine production, Loess is a great variety one, which is a wind-blown type of sediment with a high proportion of silica.

  • Sedimentary regions: Oregon, Washington
  • Favorite Grapes: Veltliner Gruner

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