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Grape Nut Ice Cream

Published October 30, 2020
Grape Nut Ice Cream

For installing G in our summer series, Icy Treats A to Z, we feature an exotic flavor, but are made from plain ingredients for an oh-so-good treat: Nut Grape Ice Cream.

Grape Nut Ice Cream

Yes, you understand correctly: this ice cream definitely contains post breakfast cereals, grape beans. However, Grape Nut ice cream is a popular scoop in both Jamaica and New England, so perhaps it's already a favorite.

If you've ever scraped the roof of your mouth on a spoonful of grape beans, you'll know how long it takes to soak in milk to keep them soft. But that's what makes them so good, like ice cream mixed in soft toasted pebble nuggets, but still very much on the sweet vanilla cream base, providing both the sharpness of the texture and the taste that sticks pretty.

Homemade Bean Grape Ice Cream

To streamline the process, just keep a soft purchase of vanilla ice cream and stir in a handful of grape nuts. 

Grape Sprouts:

  • 1/2 can or beer bottle or stout
  • 1/2 cup (approx.) buttermilk
  • 13/4 cup wholewheat flour (or a combination of whole wheat, barley and/or oat flour)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Ice cream:

  • 35% Whipping Cream 1 cup
  • Half a cup, half a half.
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla 

How To Make:

  1. To make the pea grapes preheat the oven to 350 F and reduce the beer in a small saucepan or skillet for about half of the volume.
  2. In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, brown sugar, soda and baking salt. Stir in the buttermilk mix beer just until combined, then spread it about 1/4-inch thick on a sheet of lined baking parchment. Bake for 20 minutes, or until firm, dry and golden.
  3. Once cool, divide or chop into small nuggets (some recipes call to place through the meat grinder) and return to the plate. Preheat the oven temperature to 275 F and bake for another 15-20 minutes, until more dry and toasted. 
  4. To make the ice cream base, whisk together the cream, sugar and vanilla. Freeze in a bowl of ice cream making machine until frozen - it is still soft enough to stir in as many grape sprouts as you like (or pour them in through the esophagus for a while. churns).
  5. Transfer to a container and freeze until stiff.
  6. Makes about one liter.

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